Dear African Sky Hunting,
I am
researching the benefits of trophy hunting, specifically dealing with the
giraffe species. I have found that it can control their population and help
with conservation efforts. I also see that it brings a lot of tourism and money
for your area as well as creating a lot of job opportunities for your citizens.
I noticed from looking at the information on your website though, that
important facts like these were not openly presented. However, one thing I did
see on your site that I did not see on other hunting websites, is the description
of the anatomy of the giraffe and where the best place to hit with a bullet
would be along with what bullet and gun to use. This statement plays into the
fact that you do not want the animal to suffer and teach the public how to
correctly shoot the animal so it can die instantly with minimal pain.
reading through your website, I believe that stating the benefits that your
organization has for not only the people and economy, but how hunting a
giraffe can benefit the species through things such as conservation, would be
of great benefit to your organization. The public should be aware of how their
money would be spent on the art of conservation of the species in order to bring
protection to the animal for purpose of continued hunting in the future. Also,
much of the public is not aware that giraffe meat can be used for human
consumption. Facts such as this and the ones stated above should be presented
and explained in ways that the public would be able to understand. This would
help calm activists who come across your site along with the possibility of
attracting more tourists if they have an idea of the benefits your business
brings to both humans and the animal species.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Jocelyn Delhotal
Services." AfricanSkyHunting.Co. African Sky Hunting, n.d. Web. 08
Dec. 2013.http://www.>.
Thank for your sharing good blog comment.